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  • brumi1024


    válasz axlfsi #986 üzenetére

    24V-ost valassz, ha a beepitett tapra kotned (es megoldod a kapcsolasat valahogy), 5V-ost ha USB-s kulso tappal, 12V-ost ha barmilyen mas 12V-os tappal taplalnad.

    #980 poli27: Aktiv szennel vigyazz, ha nem megfelelo (savmentesen mosott) akkor meg fogja enni a nyomtatot belulrol. Vizben hasznalatos sokat nem fog erni VOC megkotesben:

    For example, for aquarium or moonshine use you want large macroporosity to filter larger impurities, like oils. For that reason, water/liquid-use carbon has a large macropore area, defined as >100nm. 3D Printer VOCs are generally less than 0.5 nm, meaning that for optimal capture rate and efficiency we want carbon with a high microporosity ratio, defined as <1nm. A higher iodine count >1000 usually indicates at least some micro/mesoporosity, and a higher hardness (>95%) will create less dust in air filtration. CTC number doesn't translate well to our VOCs; however, toluene adsorption - which sometimes is available - is a good metric.
    Avoid acid washed carbon at all costs. Residues have oxidized printers! Go for steam activated, non acid-washed. A blend of neutral carbon and alkaline KOH carbon might be the best blend in the future, but impossible to currently source from trustworthy manufacturers.

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