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  • Oliverda


    Hogy legyen egy kevésbé pozitív "hír" is:

    Február 16-án vásároltam egy Rossmann üzletben (2774 forintért) Curve kártyával. (Valószínűleg Apple Pay-en keresztül, de már nincs a historyban a tranzakció.) Másnap, azaz 17-én délelőtt jött a push a banktól, hogy másodjára is beterhelték az összeget, de a Curve appban továbbra is csak egyetlen, az eredeti tranzakció látszódott. Írtam az ügyfélszolgálatnak, hogy mi a helyzet, amire a következő választ kaptam:

    "Thanks for your patience, I've looked into this and it looks like your transaction "Timed-Out", causing an unexpected double charge. If the transaction was charged to your payment card, rest assured this is an authorisation only and it will be reversed automatically after 7 days. It can then take up to 5 working days to drop off your statement. For a while, it may seem like you were double charged, but the first authorisation will drop off after 7 days. I understand that this is frustrating and I'm very sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Your transaction will have been successful but an additional authorisation will have been made during the Time Out making it appear as it may have been double charged. Rest assured, after 7 days this should settle and you'll see that only a single charge was successful.

    It seems that due to the nature of this timeout, it didn't successfully decline at the time and the merchant still requested the funds. This meant that when our system was finally able to collect the funds it automatically did this. In this case, it just happened to be at 10:47 the next day."

    Végül egy hónapot vártam, de refund az nem jött, ezért ma ismét írtam nekik. Válasz:

    "Luke here from the Payments Team, stepping in for Freya - Thank you for your ongoing patience and I'm sorry to hear you've been charged multiple times for the same transaction.

    I’ve checked your account and I can see that the original transaction declined due to a “Timeout” but was immediately re-processed. This means someone in the payment chain didn’t reply in time; it could’ve been us, your bank or payment processor. I’m really sorry about that, it’s not very common but it happens sometimes.

    After the transaction declined, the initial authorisation amount didn’t automatically void itself. I’ve now cancelled the extra charge. You should see the amount we charged drop off your bank account in the next 1-2 working days, but depending on your bank it might take up to 5 days. I'm sorry for any inconvenience and confusion caused."

    Lényeg a lényeg, érdemes feljegyezni vagy nyomon követni valahogyan az esetleges dupla terheléseket, mert előfordulhat olyan, hogy nem oldódik meg magától az ügy.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    "Minden negyedik-ötödik magyar funkcionális analfabéta – derült ki a nemzetközi felmérésekből."

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