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    válasz radi8tor #18351 üzenetére

    Wyatt: The most important thing to keep in mind about the new crafting recipes is that they are not for everybody. They are designed primarily for two groups: •High-end players who already have extremely good gear, but are having difficulty finding new upgrades (either through drops or the Auction House).•Self-found" players who don't use the Auction House and, as such, are happy for any opportunity to upgrade their gear through available means.


    Any analysis being done on the tradeoff between AH pricing and the crafting recipes’ probabilities assume a current gear level. If the AH has upgrades for you at the 10,000 gold price point, then you probably don't want to craft the new items. If your next upgrade on the AH tends to cost around 500,000, then the new crafting recipes may start to look more appealing. Similarly, if reasonable upgrades to your current gear cost around a billion gold or more, then the new crafting recipes should be worth making.

    ez mondjuk érdekes, HF ring is gyakorlatilag lutri egy bizonyos szint felett, lehet itt is így lesz. bár adott esetben még mindig lehet, hogy egyszerűbb lesz lecraftolni a dolgokat.

    Bahama: 54%os base chc mellett sharpshooter sokat a gyakorlatban nem dob. nem lenne jobb pl vengenance a magasabb hatred regen miatt?

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    Don't dream it, be it. // Lagom amount.

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