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    válasz kovsol #16327 üzenetére

    Nem igaz. [link]

    That's a myth that isn't born out in reality. Trust me on that.

    Center-to-edge yield variations are a real thing, having center die better than edge die (so-called bulls-eye pattern) can happen but is not required to happen (is not a foregone conclusion).

    As the process is tuned, and they always are, the bulls-eye pattern can become a donut pattern (poorer dies are at the edge and the center), or tuned such that the edge yields the best dies.

    No one, and I do mean no one, intentionally runs their process nodes such that the cherry chips come from the center of the wafer as that is the absolute least optimal way to produce your products (since the areal-situation so strongly favors tuning for edge die yields).

    These are the sorts of myths that I have recognized, and accepted, as simply never dying out. They are so catchy, and so easily remember, that no amount of snopes-like work on my part will ever vanquish the popularity of the myth. (very much like process node labels versus actual dimensions )

    But at least you will now know something closer to the truth, should you take my word on it as written here. (and I recognize that you have little reason to take my word on it either, you have no proof that I am who I claim to be, so skepticism on your part is reasonable, if not expected, as well)

    CPUs are not a "war", you are not a solider. And there certainly won't be any battles fought on these forums.

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