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  • BenHans


    [link] csak hogy ne sírják végig a topikot még 100hsz-ben az akku miatt.... :U

    "The HTC Butterfly is powered by a non-user-replaceable 2020 Li-Ion battery. HTC didn't provide official endurance ratings for it and the relatively low capacity (it's the smallest unit of the three 5" 1080p smartphones we've seen so far) did have a lot of people worried about its endurance.
    As it turns out though, the HTC Butterfly posted a very respectable 45h score in our dedicated battery test. This means you'll have to charge the smartphone every 45 hours if you do an hour of calling, video watching and web browsing per day."

    szerk: Amúgy valószínűnek tartom hogy azért pont Hollandia van a cikkben, mert mint tudjuk a volt egy kis bonyodalom a HTC mikrofonja körül. Aminek a vége ez lett: "New information about the case shows that the courts have not found HTC to be liable for the use of the ST Microelectronics microphones used in the HTC One. Court documents show that Nokia and ST Microelectronics signed a contract which gives Nokia 12 months exclusivity on the microphone chips, but there was a misunderstanding over when the exclusivity deal was set to begin. Since the Nokia 720 was the first Nokia phone to use the chip, the courts have ruled that Nokia has exclusive rights to the technology until February of 2014. Since HTC is not at fault, the courts will allow HTC to sell the HTC One in the Netherlands as long as the devices have already been imported into the country."

    És valószínű amikor elfogy a One készlet, Butterfly lesz helyette....

    Hollandoknak úgyis tök8 majd tolnak egy rakétát és eltűnik a különbség... :DDD

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    🧡 "...gialla come er sole, rossa come er core mio..." "La forza del branco è il lupo la forza del lupo è il branco" "L’emozione di poter sedere sulla nostra panchina è indescrivibile, tutti sanno cosa sia la Roma per me" (Daniele De Rossi) Isten hozott otthon, kapitány!

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