
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Dashes


    kaptam kis infót(Concept for Android):

    Thank you so much for showing this much enthusiasm!
    We will soon be selecting the next group of users for the concept software and I will make sure that you are picked for that group.
    We know that many users who are not officially part of this initiative are flashing the concept software and to be honest, I find that kind of cool.
    I have a lot of respect for the knowledge and skill that many of you guys (and some girls) possess and it is very interesting to get your view on things.
    However, even though we want to invite everybody who have signed up to this concept, we simple don’t have the capacity to handle a user base that big.
    As soon as you are invited to the new group (soon!) feel free to ask more detailed question on OTA and anything else concept related really.

    For all those users out there that will not get picked for a group I can only say this, the world is small today and there are several ways to get your voice heard. We, the people working on this concept software, are not very different from you. We hang out in the same forums and we are not blind to the discussions that take place in the XDA forums (among others). Feel free to share this with your friends.

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