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  • válasz hankpoke #19001 üzenetére

    Igen, a ventilátor hangjára nagyon kíváncsiak vagyunk! Neked mi a tapasztalatod vele?

    A Lenovo x220-as megfelelő topikjában valaki összefoglalta a problémát a ventivel kapcsolatosan:

    "it is from day one that I follow this thread and I can say that all the issues discussed here exactly match my experience with my new X220..

    To my knowledge there are three issues (and my X220 suffers of all three):
    1) The fan has a high pitched whine. This is more noticeable when the fan runs at +3000 RPM.
    There is no official answer provided by Lenovo about this issue.

    2) The fan runs always at +3000 RPM, even when the system is in idle state.
    When associated with issue #1, the never ending whine is difficult to tollerate.
    This problem has been solved by BIOS 1.16. With BIOS 1.16, the fan quietly runs at ~2000 RPM when in idle mode and with light web browsing.

    3) The fan changes the sound signature each 5 secs for one second (pulsing fan issue).
    This is more noticeable when the fan runs at +3000 RPM.
    When associated with issue #1 (whine), the associated pulsing whine is very difficult to tollerate, even by the most forviging ears.
    According to JameZ's post #344, Lenovo engineers are now working on this issue. This is a great news.

    I really hope that once issue #3 (pulsing fan) is addressed, the whine will be easier to tollerate.
    In case it is not, I would really like to know if Lenovo has a solution for issue #1 (whine) or not."

    Amíg nem rendeződik ez a probléma, szerintem többen nem merjük megvenni az x220-ast.

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