

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Gh0sT


    válasz Husky #5 üzenetére

    Hát, jól van... Mondjuk nem teljesen tiszta, de nagyjából felfogtam... ;)

    Akkor közzé teszem azt, ami nekem leszedi, és az lenne a kérdés, hogy ki segítene átírni a fentieknek megfelelően:

    ' GetRssFeed V1.2 Script
    ' A small script to get rss feed.
    ' Installation: Unpack this file into your scripts folder in your samurize
    ' installation folder, and add it in your config. Run the GetNews()
    ' function. Two variables needs to be set, num_of_headlines wich is the
    ' number of headlines you want returned, and url wich is the url to the
    ' rss feed. The last option is if the script should return the channel title,
    ' USE: ''YES'' or ''NO''.
    ' Example getNews(5,'''',''YES'')
    ' Version updates:
    ' - Rewrote script
    ' - Added stripping of html codes
    ' - Added possibility if returning more info
    ' - Added possibility of specifying the returnstring (idea from DeMo's Nforce script)
    ' - Added sorting on date, due to some feeds doesn't return titles cronologic
    ' - Added possibility to return channel title.
    ' Writers comment: I know here has already been posted a get slashdot rss
    ' feed script, but when I installed samurize yesterday the site was down
    ' so I didn't know about it. So I simply wrote my own. This script works
    ' with rss version 1.0, the rest I haven't tested. Enjoy the script.
    ' Contactinfo:

    const NO_ITEMS_FOUND = ''No news found.....'' 'Message to show if no news titles were found
    const PERFORM_SORT = ''YES'' 'Perform sort of result or not, use ''YES'' or ''NO''
    'I was a bit inspired by DeMos NForce script, so I added a feature where you can
    'customize the output through ''smart tags''
    'You can specify your own result using the following tags
    '<time> = the time the item was published
    '<date> = the date the item was published
    '<datetime> = Full date time string of when the item was published
    '<title> = The title of the item
    '<link> = The link of the item (this will not make it clickable :)
    '<description> = The description of the item
    '<subject> = The subject of the title (Often used as the category)

    const RETURN_FORMAT = ''<title>''

    '---------------------------------DO NOT EDIT BELOW----------------------------------
    Dim channelTitle, channelLink, channelDescription 'Info regargin feed
    Dim aItems() 'Array to dump all items from feed due to sort of feed

    parseNews URL
    dim tmpResult, tmpReturnResult
    tmpReturnResult = channelTitle & chr(10)
    tmpReturnResult = ''''
    end if
    if isArray(aItems) then
    'Sort on date, due to some feeds not returning cronological
    If PERFORM_SORT=''YES'' then QuickSort 4 End If
    For i = 0 to Ubound(aItems,2)
    tmpResult = RETURN_FORMAT
    tmpResult = Replace(tmpResult,''<title>'',aItems(0,i))
    tmpResult = Replace(tmpResult,''<link>'',aItems(1,i))
    tmpResult = Replace(tmpResult,''<description>'',aItems(2,i))
    tmpResult = Replace(tmpResult,''<subject>'',aItems(3,i))
    tmpResult = Replace(tmpResult,''<time>'',FormatDateTime(aItems(4,i),4))
    tmpResult = Replace(tmpResult,''<date>'',FormatDateTime(aItems(4,i),2))
    tmpResult = Replace(tmpResult,''<datetime>'',aItems(4,i))
    tmpReturnResult = tmpReturnResult & tmpResult&chr(10)
    if i+1 = CInt(NUM_OF_TITLES) then exit for
    tmpReturnResult = NO_ITEMS_FOUND
    end if
    getNews = tmpReturnResult
    end function 'getNews

    Sub parseNews(url)
    Dim intCnt, result
    result = ''''
    set source = CreateObject(''MSXML2.DOMDocument'')
    source.async = false
    source.validateOnParse = false
    source.resolveExternals = false
    If source.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
    parseRss = source.parseError.errorCode
    exit sub
    End if
    set baseEl = source.documentElement.selectSingleNode(''channel'')
    set titleEl = baseEl.selectSingleNode(''title'')
    if NOT titleEl is Nothing then
    'Get channel information
    channelTitle=getText(''title'', baseEl)
    channelLink=getText(''link'', baseEl)
    channelDesc=getText(''description'', baseEl)
    'Dump items to array
    Set objLst = source.getElementsByTagName(''item'')
    noOfHeadlines = objLst.length
    For i = 0 To (noOfHeadlines - 1)
    Redim Preserve aItems(4,i)
    Set objHdl = objLst.item(i)
    'title=getText(''title'', objHdl)
    aItems(0,i)=getText(''title'', objHdl)
    aItems(1,i)=getText(''link'', objHdl)
    aItems(2,i)=getText(''description'', objHdl)
    aItems(3,i)=getText(''dc:subject'', objHdl)
    aItems(4,i)=formatTheDate(getText(''dc:date'', objHdl))
    'if intCnt=CInt(num_of_headlines) then exit for
    End If
    Set source = nothing
    Set baseEl = nothing
    set titleEl = nothing
    Set objLst = nothing
    Set objHdl = nothing
    end sub

    Private function getText(ttg, xmlObj)
    dim tmpText
    set xEl = xmlObj.selectSingleNode(ttg)
    if not xEl is Nothing then
    if left(tmpText,1)=''-'' then tmpText=Right(tmpText,len(tmpText)-1)
    end if
    set xEl = nothing
    end function

    Private Function formatTheDate(tmpDate)
    Dim iYear, iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMin, iSec, resDate
    If Trim(''''&tmpDate)<>'''' then
    iYear = Left(tmpDate,4)
    iMonth = Mid(tmpDate,6,2)
    iDay = Mid(tmpDate,9,2)
    iHour = Mid(tmpDate,12,2)
    iMin = Mid(tmpDate,15,2)
    iSec = Mid(tmpDate,18,2)
    resDate = DateSerial(iYear,iMonth,iDay)
    resDate = DateAdd(''h'',iHour,resDate)
    resDate = DateAdd(''n'',iMin,resDate)
    resDate = DateAdd(''s'',iSec,resDate)
    end if
    End Function 'formatTheDate

    Sub SwapRows(row1,row2)
    '== This proc swaps two rows of an array
    Dim x,tempvar
    For x = 0 to Ubound(aItems,1)
    tempvar = aItems(x,row1)
    aItems(x,row1) = aItems(x,row2)
    aItems(x,row2) = tempvar
    End Sub 'SwapRows

    Sub QuickSort(field)
    Dim bolSorted,i
    bolSorted = true
    For i = 0 to ubound(aItems,2)-1
    if aItems(field,i)<aItems(field,i+1) then
    SwapRows i,i+1
    End if
    if bolSorted=false then call QuickSort(field)
    End Sub 'QuickSort

    Private Function stripHTML(strHTML)
    Dim objRegExp, strOutput
    Set objRegExp = New Regexp
    objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
    objRegExp.Global = True
    objRegExp.Pattern = ''<(.|\n)+?>''
    strOutput = objRegExp.Replace(strHTML, '''')
    stripHTML = strOutput
    Set objRegExp = Nothing
    End Function

    Tényleg hülye vagyok hozzá, szóval elmagyarázni senki ne próbálja, csak ha nagyon egyszerű... :U Még nézegetem a kódot, de nem hiszem, hogy okosabb leszek tőle...


    Soha nem késő, hogy azzá válj, aki lehettél volna.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák